The Glebe - Your Opportunity to Comment
As you may know, George Arthur of The Glebe, has applied for pre-application advice from Rother District Council about 22 new houses in his field, near The Glebe in Burwash. Rother District Council suggested the applicant contact Burwash Parish Council for the Parish Council to consider including the site in their draft Neighbourhood Plan.
Normally, we would have a meeting of the core group, but that is not possible. It has been decided that the core group would be assisted by knowing your views before the group makes a decision on the proposal. A paper setting out the issues has been drafted by the group. The link to it is above.
Comments can be made by either:
a) Filling in the comment form <<< Click here to go to the comment form
b) sending an e-mail to contact@burwashsaveourfields.org.uk
c) posting a comment to ‘Comments on The Glebe, 10 Rother View, Burwash, East
Sussex TN19 7BN’.
If you send an e-mail or post a comment will you please state:
i) your name,
ii) your address [which will not be added to our data base or place on the web-site
iii) whether you object to the housing, support the housing, or just wish to make a comment.
The comments will be placed on our website (unless the individual says they do not want that) and the street etc.
Please encourage others to comment so to make the consultation exercise as
comprehensive as possible.
The opportunity to comment