Developer: Denton Homes
Current Status: Application REFUSED, Appeal WITHDRAWN
14th November 2018 - Appeal withdrawn by Denton Homes
17th May 2018 - Appeal lodged by Denton Homes
20th October 2017 - Application refused by Rother District Council
17th February 2017 - Application for the demolition of the existing buildings and structures on site and the erection of 42 dwellings, enhancements to the existing Shrub Wood, together with an additional 1.4ha of new Community Woodland, associated access, parking and landscaping.
In October 2016, a meeting was held in Burwash at which plans for the site were unveiled by representatives of Denton Homes, a Surrey-based developer specialising in small luxury suburban developments.
Serious concerns were voiced by residents at the meeting, and, subsequently, by phone and email that the proposal represented a major building development on a meadow within the AONB outside the agreed village boundary. Comments were also made on the inevitable impact on road safety, village services (school, surgery and sewerage) and ecology due to the destruction of a meadow and the opening up of the adjacent ancient woodland (Shrub Wood) as a public recreational facility.
Our full grounds for objection can be read here:
We emailed and leaflet-dropped details of the proposal to the Burwash community, outlining the reasons why we believed it to be wrong for Burwash.
We held two open drop-in sessions at The Bear and The Wheel to which Denton Homes, their planning representatives and architects were invited so that they could answer questions about the plans, including the affordable housing element, but they declined to attend.
We fund-raised so that we could commission independent assessments of both Denton Homes’ Ecology and Traffic Reports. Both noted serious errors and omissions which were also confirmed by RDC’s Statutory Consultees.
BPC held public meetings for further discussions.
More than 480 comments have been made, with around 95% as objections.
Burwash Parish Council voted against the proposal.